Warren Travis White High School Class of 1969 - Alumni

This web site contains pages that are only available to alumni of the WTW HS Class of 1969.

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To be able to access these pages, you will need to register. Registration requires your real name (not a screen name) and an email address. It is suggested that you use your graduating name plus your married name, if that applies. You will also need to choose and enter a password. You will then be contacted via email to confirm the registration and then you will be able to sign in.

Once signed in, you will be able to view the master contact spread sheet that holds your classmates' contact information. Use this to verify your information and, hopefully, help supply any missing information that you may know about missing classmates.

There is also a forum (message board, bulletin board) where you can catch up and confirm contacts. (right now this requires another registration and log-in but we are working on streamlining the process)

It is important to stress that this contact information can ONLY be seen by other logged-in members. If, for some reason, you DO NOT want your contact information to be visible in this restricted environment, please let us know and we will make sure that it is removed.

Howdy, Stranger ( Register  |  Login )
(there is also a sign-in at the bottom of the home page)
Members Only Pages

updated 07 October 2019